Jing Si Recipes

Our founder, Master Cheng Yen, teaches us that we should devote our time toward carrying out good deeds each day, cultivating good karma with all sentient beings. By following a vegetarian diet, we can protect our planet, gather good karma, and be in harmony with the earth. Positive change begins with just one person, and if we all choose to eat consciously, we can help halt the progression of climate change one day at a time.
淨斯食譜 / Jing Si Vegan Recipes
Jing Si vegan products are all vegan, with no fragrance added, no chemical additives, and no preservatives. What is eaten into the body is not only healthy, but also full of blessings.
點心類 / Pastry
- 中筋麵粉250 g
- 淨斯五穀粉50g ( 或是其他穀粉)
- 快速酵母3g
- 白糖 3g
- 豆漿150 ml (10ml 靜思豆漿粉+溫水)
- 皮:
- 脫皮綠豆397 克
- 糖260-280克
- 秋薑黃粉2小匙
- 紅麴粉少量
- 麻芛粉少量
- 茶葉少量
- 餡(每個):
- 綠豆泥4克
- 黑芝麻粉2.5克
- 白芝麻1.2克
- 蜂蜜 2.3克
營養簡餐 / Meal
- 米紙
- 淨斯香積麵(可選任意口味麵餅)
- 生菜
- 小黃瓜
- 豆包
- 紫甘藍
- 九層塔少許
- 薄荷少許
- 醬料 / Sauce Ingredients
- 淨斯秋薑黃粉 半茶匙
- 淨斯二十二味五穀粉 50g
- 蜂蜜 4茶匙
- 檸檬汁 少許
- 鹽少許
- 冷開水100g
Vegetarianism means disciplining ourselves cherishing our own lives and respecting all living beings.
- 恭錄自證嚴法師靜思語 -
- Jing Si Aphorism by Master Cheng Yen -
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