Sweetened Energy Boost Powder: The Best Shelf Life for this batch is best before
Unsweetened Energy Boost Powder: The Best Shelf Life for this batch is best before
Jing Si Energy Boost Powder contains the daily-needed nutrients. Various fruit enzymes are included to help break down protein into smaller peptides and amino acids for better protein absorption.
Ingredients: Soy Protein Isolate, Multi-Grain Instant Powder (Non-GMO Soybeans, Job's Tears, Oats, Buckwheat, Glutinous Rice, Brown Rice, Rice, Hard Red Wheat, Non-GMO Corn, Millet, Red beans, Mung Beans, Black-Eyed Peas, Green Peas, Black Beans, Pinto Beans, Pearl Barley), coconut sugar*, Malt Extract Powder (Barley, Malt), Soy Lecithin, gum Arabic, Comprehensive vegetable and fruit extracts (maltodextrin, pineapple extract, glucoamylase, cellulase, green papaya extract), yeast B group (brewer's yeast, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B2, vitamin B1, folic acid, Biotin, Vitamin B12), Pineapple Extract (Pineapple Extract, Maltodextrin), Green Papaya Extract (Maltodextrin, Green Papaya Extract), Mixed Chinese Herbs (Chinese Yam, Gorgon Fruit, Lotus Seed, Poria), Green Tea Extract.*Coconut Sugar not included in the unsweetened version.
成分:大豆分離蛋白、五穀雜糧(非基改黃豆、薏仁、燕麥、蕎麥、糯米、糙米、紅小麥、非基改玉米、小米、紅豆、綠豆、米豆、青豌豆、黑豆、花豆、大麥仁)、椰糖*、 麥芽粉(大麥、麥芽)、大豆卵磷脂、阿拉伯膠、綜合蔬果抽出物(麥芽糊精、鳳梨萃取物、糖化酵素、纖維分解酵素、青木瓜萃取物)、酵母B群(啤酒酵母、菸鹼酸、泛酸、維生素B6、維生素B2、維生素B1、葉酸、生物素、維生素B12)、鳳梨萃取物(鳳梨萃取物、麥芽糊精)、青木瓜萃取物(麥芽糊精、青木瓜萃取物)、綜合草(木)本植物(淮山(山藥)、芡實、蓮子、茯苓)、綠茶抽出物
Net Weight: Sweetened (500g) and Unsweetened (420g)
Direction: Mix 30g of Jing Energy Boost Powder with 150cc of warm water (not boiling water). It is normal to see grain mix in the bottom.
食用方法:請取用30公克(4½大匙)力能調養素,加入杯中(使用靜思環保杯約50~60c.c),再加入150cc溫開水攪拌即可飲用,沖泡濃度可依個人喜好酌量增減。沖泡後,杯底略有沉澱物,來自穀物原料,敬請安心食用 (內含小包脫氧劑,請勿撕開食用)。
※Please do not consume the deoxidizer Packet.
※This Product contains Soy Protein Isolate and Multi-Grain Instant Powder (Non-GMO Soybeans, Job's Tears, Oats, Buckwheat, Glutinous Rice, Brown Rice, Rice, Hard Red Wheat, Non-GMO Corn, Millet, Red beans, Mung Beans, Black-Eyed Peas, Green Peas, Black Beans, Pinto Beans, Pearl Barley). The facility also processing ingredients including sesame, wheat, celery, apricot kernel, cashew, Macadamia nut, pumpkin seed, almond, sunflower seed, pecan and walnut.