Jing Si Black Sesame Powder 黑芝麻粉 (250g)
- 為照顧廣大的靜思家人及消費者,精舍師父特別研發優質的「黑芝麻粉」。
- 黑芝麻本身富含「鈣質」,有助於維持骨骼健康,鈣質也有助於提升睡眠品質。
- 豐富的健康脂肪(60%不飽和脂肪酸),幫助降低膽固醇、清理血管、潤腸通便。
- 黑芝麻中的維生素E,對骨質密度的補強有間接性的幫助。
- 除了黑芝麻外,更添加「椰糖」、「菊糖」配方,幫助腸胃消化、促進鈣質吸收。
Features of Jingsi black sesame powder
- In order to take care of the Jingsi family members and consumers, Masters developed this high-quality "black sesame powder".
- Black sesame seeds are rich in calcium, which helps maintain bone health. Calcium also helps improve sleep quality.
- Rich in healthy fats (60% unsaturated fatty acids), it helps lower cholesterol, cleans blood vessels, and relaxes the intestines.
- The vitamin E in black sesame seeds indirectly helps strengthen bone density.
- In addition to black sesame seeds, "coconut sugar" and "inulin" formulas are also added to help gastrointestinal digestion and promote calcium absorption.
Ingredients: black sesame powder, coconut sugar, inulin
Net weight: 250 grams
* Can be mixed and modulated into a variety of creative dishes. There is no restrictions to such delicious nutrition*
**Pure natural crops without chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and non-toxic farming methods
**Toward an original, natural, pollution-free life